Community Notes started as a small, risky experiment, and for the longest time, our strategy was to keep it separate from Twitter, so that it was never taken too seriously or created too much push back as we experimented with it.
After a couple of years of proving its value, it's such an honor to see it graduating from a hard-to-find link to a main navigation item on It is only visible to contributors, who have been requesting this frequently, and it is proof that what we've build has become a core part of the experience for them.
I implemented this myself, and it took a good bit of poking around the main navigation React component. I was surprised by how much complexity this involved, considering desktop breakpoints, mobile PWA, and the many states the nav can be in depending on the multiple experiments we run on the site at the same time.
By popular request, it’s now easier for contributors on desktop to get to the Community Notes site.
— Community Notes (@CommunityNotes) March 6, 2023
This website was built using Obsidian, Eleventy and Vercel.
The text is set in Untitled by Klim Type Co.