30 Nov 15

The tail end

This article in Wait But Why is so frightening and enlightening.

The biggest takeaway is that, after we grow up, we have very limited time with people we love the most. You’re probably on the last 10% of time with the people you love. So:

1) Living in the same place as the people you love matters. I probably have 10X the time left with the people who live in my city as I do with the people who live somewhere else.

2) Priorities matter. Your remaining face time with any person depends largely on where that person falls on your list of life priorities. Make sure this list is set by you—not by unconscious inertia.

3) Quality time matters. If you’re in your last 10% of time with someone you love, keep that fact in the front of your mind when you’re with them and treat that time as what it actually is: precious.


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